Friday, July 24, 2009

TJED Lunch Discussions

Another quick reminder that our next TJEd Lunch will be Friday, July 31 at 11:30. Please bring a sack lunch and join us as we discuss how we are applying the TJEd principles in our homes.

This month I am excited have Michael Ames joining us at noon to give a brief Introduction to TJEd for those who are interested.

The rest of us will be discussing this list of questions:
"How do you address having children in different phases?"
"What do you do when your child won't progress to the next phase?"
"How are you applying the 7 Keys in your home?"
"What are some roadblocks that you are encountering?"

I am so excited to have this time together. Thanks again to the Boswells and their church for opening up their facilities to us!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jody Tate or Kim Lowery


Amy said...

Jody... Can you ask around and see who is planning on attending the Forum in September? We need to start getting a count so that we can make plans. If there are enough youth over age 12 we'll be doing a youth simulation. Let me know what you find out. Thank you!

Oh... registration is at It's $39 per person.

Unknown said...

I registered! But just me, no youth.